Thursday, April 20, 2006

A dumb ass Sh*t story

This is dedicated to all those people who have to work with real dumb asses.....
(relayed to me by a friend and I know who this dumb ass is, and I can tell you from experience, he is a real DUMB ASS)

Once upon a time at the airport(where alot of dumb asses seem to be), my friend, another co-worker and a supervisor (the DUMB ASS) were called to the office by the manager.

Now, this Dumb Ass is someone no one wants to work with...when people find out they are going to work with him, they usually call in sick...

(and then of course he is puzzled why no one likes him)

because quite frankly, no one wants to WORK with a DUMB ASS.

Short history how Dumb Ass became a "Stupidvisor"

One day, a small dim tiny light bulb dimmed in his noggin.
(tiny because dumb asses only have tiny lights that flicker in their cranium, whereas normal people have 75Watt light bulbs)

"I don't like people telling me what to do and calling me a DUMB ASS for making innocent (actually stupid) mistakes!"

SO he kept on scanning the internal job postings....

looking to see if a supervisor slot opens up....

and one day, his prayers were answered!

And out of the great superior wisdom of the HR person who "OKAY-ED" his promotion (and a 25 cent WORTHLESS raise...) This DUMB ASS FINALLY BECAME.............

et noise please*


entiltling him to use his "Official" super-powers to make EVEN BIGGER mistakes that can effect the whole system and cost THOUSANDS of dollars..........

(the left is an "Space Captain" trophy because he deserves it...he's a space cadet who got promoted)

So now there they were, in the manager's office waiting for the manager to appear (as usual).
While waiting, the dumb ass looks on the floor.

"What is that?........" dumb ass mutters with a puzzled look and announces his deduction of what the "that" is.......

"It looks like SHIT"

My friend and his co-worker look at each other, acknowledging telepathicly that dumb ass might possibly do something stupid.... and then looks back at the dumb ass.

Dumb ass decides to pick up this piece of brown thing, studies it for a moment and brings it up to his nose.

and takes a big loooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnggggggggggg SNIFF.

"OH MY GOD!" he exclaims. "IT IS .............SHIT!"

and throws it back down.

The manager lives on a hobby farm and is known to step in shit.... so......... it's like why are we picking up BROWN fecal matter and smelling it to make sure it is SHIT??????



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