Monday, April 17, 2006

Another Dumb Ass Moment

Again, when I worked at an airport a BILLION years ago I was stopped by a passenger because she needed "help"

Back then, we were then getting those brand spankin' cool phones what read phone cards installed.(just like the one picutred on the left)

By looking at the lady she was shabbily dressed. Pales in comparison from the days of yore- when people traveled they wore suits.

Now this lady, she was:

1) Barefoot
2) wore a sarong like she's going to the beach (and find out later she's going on a trip)
3) Looked dark and wrinkly, like she was some over cooked bacon or something

Quite possibly, if you looked under Webster's Dictionary for "Hill Billy" her picture might be there.

Nonetheless I held my breath in great anticipation, wondering what she is about to ask me..............

"I can't get this DOLLAR BILL into the PHONE!" she yelled at me in frustration, holding a crinkled George Washington in her hands.

I just could not imagine where she may have been inserting this dollar bill. I started to hypothesize where ...but no... couldn't be! She had to jus show me...

"could you show me where you had been putting this dollar in at?" I asked...

Then she proceeds to show me EXACTLY WHERE. RIGHT INTO WHERE the PHONE CARDS were suppose to be used at. There is even a nice semiotic sign, a picture of a card, with the magnetic strip facing up and an arrow........ pointing where you are to insert a CARD.

I told the lady sorry, if she didn't know, I didn't know either. (so we both equally looked like dumb asses, so I don't make her feel bad for being a dumb ass).


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