Monday, April 17, 2006

A dumb ass accident

I was clubbing one night with my girlfriends. It was 1 am.... and we were just beat. (I know, it's early to leave at 1 am... but we start work at 6 am!)

So here I am .... in the my tiny Honda Civic (and luckily sober) with my two girlfriends... in a PARKING STRUCTURE........

(now picture this...)

Infront of us, there was a TOYOTA TACOMA with BIG custom tires. Almost like those you see on "monster trucks".

Behind US was a police car. (Like I said, luckily I practice the designated driver thing... so I don't become a real DUMB ASS or a SAD ASS if someone gets hurt)

I see the driver (a girl younger than we were) WAVE to her friend.... and without LOOKING behind her... backs up.... in a split second I threw my car into reverse but notice the police car was on my bumper! I had no place to move!

And in what seemed like an eternity.... I see these monster wheels ram my bumper (and the dumb ass girl doesn't stop there....) climbs untop of MY BUMPER...
PROCEEDS to CLIMB ON THE HOOD OF MY CAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My two girlfriends (who were now sober) screamed "YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!"


Then she finally figured out her whole back end was ontop of my car and put it in drive, consequently damaging my hood further when her shinny nice chromed bumper dropped on my car with a "thud".

First thing I heard from the cop who was shaking his head...

"I can't believe I saw the whole thing!"

the second cop

"yeah, what a ***********"



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