Sunday, April 23, 2006

Dumb Ass Deafness

I must say before you read this and judge me, I by no means have anything against people who are unfortunate (or fortunate- however you look at it) from being deaf. After 12 years of working at the airport, I often wonder myself... "HUH?"

Anyhow, here is the story- as told to me by an ex........

He grew up in a neighborhood full of boys around his age...(9-12 yrs old at the time) and they would go around doing funny pranks and play with things that makes alot of NOISE (like FIRECRACKER!)

They had a deaf friend, and his name was Todd.

One day Todd was introduced to the wonderful world of FIREWORKS. He loved the pretty colors they emit, and especially interested in what it can blow up.

One day the group started to blow up things for fun. Stick it on a tail of a cat and see what happens.

Stick it in a car muffler and see what happens.

Todd was fixated with things exploding. Usually he kind of went sort of dangerously close to what they were about to blow up. Perhaps he wanted to feel the "vibrations".

After running out things to blow up, Todd had a bright idea as he was walking on someone's lawn...... inspired........

why not stick it in...


The other boys watched in sheer terror as Todd sticks in a tiny little pop-pop bomb carefully (so not to get shit on his hands) and lights it up.........

the other boys start to run.............. while poor Todd, who wanted to feel the "vibration" of the explosion put his face near the dogshit and watched.....................................................................................................................................................................

(poor Todd.....)


Blogger Oh, Miss! said...

no.... I just thought this was funny. These guys are adults now... and... they always bring this he stuck his face out to watch...

6:33 PM  

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