Wednesday, May 03, 2006

part 2 Airport wierdoes

anyhow.............(music from "Psycho " please)
Part 2:

Now I found out that after the state messed with her, they said that it was INDEED this ANONYMOUS AIRLINE'S FAULT that they sold a ticket to a crazy lady. Anonymous Airlines needs to take care of the lady. Never mind the goverment agencies...

So what happned? Believe it or not, ANONYMOUS AIRLINES hired guards to stay with her in her hotel room while she awaited for that flight to take her back to Japan.

( everyone lied to her, telling her that she is going to D.C.--she desperately wants to meet AL GORE.)

Why did ANONYMOUS AIRLINES hire 2 guards? Well, come to find out, her carry on luggage was a suitcase full of cash.

My friend said it was one million dollars.

So here was my friend yesterday.

At the airport, with Mrs. Al Gore.

There was explicit instructions that NO ONE was to tell this lady that she was going back to JAPAN. Do not breathe a word about it.

First fool, who knew darn well that she wasn't suppose to give the ticket to her, did. My friend and the psycho lady struggled with it and my friend finally took it away from her.

Throughout their wait she was screaming she's being kidnapped.

Finally, they board the delayed aircraft. two rows infront and back are blocked ---just for HER.

Flight attendants were told NOT TO MAKE ANY ANNOUNCEMENT about going to JAPAN. They were told to say just hte flight number.

(Someone made the crazy lady a fake ticket---saying she was going to Washington DC)

When the interpreter made the announcement "This is ANONYMOUS AIRLINES, BOUND FOR JAPAN...ooooops"

Crazy lady went completely psycho.

Of course it didn't help when some old man told the crazy lady to shut the hell up or having a bunch of old ladies trying to walk towards her to check out the crazy lady.

"I need to see my husband"

So the flight attendant that made the announcement completely freaked out and called the Captain to get her off the plane.

My friend just had enough of her and grabbed the lady's stuff and commanded her to come along. She spat at the supervisor and became even more uncontrollable so the State sherrif were called (the very people who were investigated for stealing "evidence")

So Mrs. Al Gore is staying a few more days.

No one can get intouch with her family through the Japanese embassy.

If she is hand carrying 1 million dollars, she must be pretty well off.

Who's fault is it to sell crazy people a plane fare?

I've seen this before and the airline usually sends them right back...because immigration won't let them through. NOT this time!


Blogger Paradise Driver said...

I wonder if I can get her to adopt me, give me a see where I am going with this.


12:05 AM  
Blogger Paradise Driver said...

Whats happened to you?

No posts for over a month.

6:23 AM  
Blogger Paradise Driver said...


I wonder if YOU got adopted?? ;)

9:40 PM  

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